Brittany Deventer

Creative Technologist


Deventer Solutions

    Founder & CEO
    Tech, Media and Health Consulting

Have an idea? Whether it's an app, story, or lifestyle goal, I will help make that dream a reality.

"Don't just exist. Do something everyday that scares you. Even if it's just getting out of bed in the morning." ™


Socal Safe Ltd.

    Fullstack Developer - Fulltime
    Node, React, MSSQL, Azure, AWS, Linux, Windows

Fullstack developer for AccuCASH cash management systems. Integrate hardware with remote systems like back office software, Insight.


    Founding Board Member - 6 Mo. Contract
    Artificial Intelligence, Web 3 Technologies

Voting board member and advisor for AI tools development, focused on personalized dataset architecture.

Green Deeds

    Lead Developer, Co-Founder - Project Concluded
    React, Solidity, Celo, Cosmos SDK, IrisNET, AWS, Crypto

Green Deeds rewards recycling and composting with crypto and NFT badges!

LAFORGE Optical - Contract Complete

    Fullstack Developer | Contract
    Java, Android, Epson Moverio

Developed demo application for augmented reality glasses.


Lincoln Center

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Production Coordinator

Concert Halls, Outdoors

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Crew Head

Midsummer Night Swing

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Project Manager

Out of Doors Festival

National Tours

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Blue Man Group

Assistant Electrician

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American Idiot

Assistant Electrician

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Tap Dogs

Swing Technician


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Renegades of Fun

Converted to cue light with wireless control

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Diversity Lyric Video

Director of Photography

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Catch One

Lighting Designer/Programmer

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Unboring Creative

Lighting design for photoshoot

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Lighting Designer

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Beyond The Horizon

Lighting Designer


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The Exchange

Writer, director, producer and performer in this fun short film!

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Contact me for my performance history in stunts, acting and stand up comedy.

Union Affiliations

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Associated Crafts & Technicians Member since 2013


Official certifications

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ACE Certified Personal Trainer
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect
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IT Operations Specialist
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Comp Tia Network+
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Comp Tia A++
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Covid-19 Compliance Officer

Online Courses

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An Entire MBA in One Course
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Spring Security 6 Zero to Master with JWT, OAuth2
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The Project Management Course: Beginner to PROject Manager
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Master Microservices with Java, Spring, Docker, Kubernetes
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Tech Writers Master Class
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Software Architecture (SOLID) & Design Patterns in Java
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MERN Stack Front to Back
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The Web Developer Bootcamp
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Penetration Testing with Kali Linux
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C++ For C Programmers
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Harvard's CS50: Intro to Computer Science




  • Eclipse development environment
  • Apache POI library

Batch & Powershell

  • winBatch packaging techniques


  • DOM manipulation
  • Jquery

Node.js & PHP

  • Express
  • EJS templates
  • Git repositories
  • RESTful APIs


  • Relational databases
  • Non-Relational databases


  • Bootstrap
  • Semantic UI